Theopolis Americana

   Theopolis Americana: An Essay on the Golden Street of the Holy City was written by Cotton Mather.  It was published in 1710.  Theopolis Americana had to do with America, the Bible,

Cotton Mather

and the General Court.  It is a sermon, written to try and persuade the General Court attendees to change their thoughts.  In particular, their political thoughts.  We cannot ask them if they were persuaded, however, today.  Therefore, my English teacher asked me.

   The way Mather began had to do with mostly the Bible book of Revelations.  This book was a document written by John, a disciple of Jesus.  He had gone to Heaven in a vision and witnessed the future.  Mather believed all of it, but he also had some ideas of his own as the document says something but not in enough detail.  Mather, in his sermon Theopolis, golden.jpgbelieved that Jews would be converted.  However this belief changed before he died.  He believed in the final judgment, that God would create a new Heaven and Earth.  But he also believed Jesus would come down and rule on earth for the 1,000 years while Satan would be imprisoned.  Mather also believed America would be a huge part of this.  Theopolis
means City of God, America.  Mather was asking the General Court to believe this and that New England would not be the chosen country but he reassured them that they would be a part of it.  Just not the main deal.

   One of the most important topics Mather discussed was on slavery.  He was against men being kidnapped and sold into slavery.  He was also again too much alcohol.  He gave Bible verses for slavery, showing the General Court that even God disagreed with the current slaves New England was dealing with.  However, I believe they already knew this, and yet, ignored it.  The verses can be found in the chapter right after the Ten Commandments (Exodus 21).  You think they did not know this?

   With all of this said, would Mather have convinced me that we (the General Court) needed to do something about slavery?  Did he convince me that I needed to change my ways or something?  No.  Why?  Because it’s a different time.  I believe Jesus is coming again.  Yes there is still slavery, I’m sure.  But where?  How do I change that?  There are still Christians probably out there, knowing Exodus 21, but still kidnapping men and keeping them as slaves.  I do not think Mather told the General Court anything new regarding the slaves or Jesus’ coming back.  Possibly the only thing Mather said that the Court did not know was his belief of America being the City of God.


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